Welcome to
Giving children the best start, with lively and engaging teaching
Our Academy is a happy, caring and vibrant community which offers a stimulating and safe learning environment. By developing potential, drive and self-esteem we help everyone to become a unique, responsible, respectful, happy, motivated and successful individual. In June 2019 we were judged by Ofsted to be a GOOD school with Outstanding for Leadership and management and also for pupils’ personal development and welfare.
We aim to give every child the very best start to their education through lively and engaging teaching using an exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. We want our children to enjoy a wide range of experiences which bring the curriculum to life and make learning active, meaningful and relevant.
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Our Mission
The curriculum offered at Leigh Academy Tree Tops has been designed to ensure each and every child is inspired to be a creative, thoughtful life-long learner.
We strive to provide engaging and memorable learning experiences that connect subjects and demonstrate clear links, inspiring children to develop their curiosity and deepen their understanding.
The curriculum offered at Leigh Academy Tree Tops is centred around inquiry-based learning, which is underpinned by a set of core skills. We believe this approach to learning develops curiosity in our learners, enabling our pupils to learn about being a learner, while developing essential skills and attributes for future development, ultimately developing pupils as lifelong learners. Pupils attending our academy will also learn about themselves as individuals and others around them, learning how to manage their own well-being and the well-being of others. We believe this enables pupils to have high aspirations, knowing how to contribute positively both locally and globally, regardless of any disability or special educational need.